Monday, October 4, 2010

Vector Asp Strikes an Idea

First of all, I like the new Vector Asp creature. It's kinda meh, but it's a good concept.

But, its real value is humor. So, we have a Vector Asp. A vector is, as we know from mathematics, a line originating at the origin with definite direction and length. And an asp is a snake. Now, that's not that great, until you think about linear algebra and realize that the span of two independent vectors is a plane. That means if you have two unique Vector Asps, you have, by a literal interpretation of the name, two snakes in a plane. That's right, folks, for the low low price of two Vector Asps, you can have Snakes on a Plane.

Now, that got me thinking. Are there enough unique snakes (read: enough decent unique snakes) to make a deck revolving around playing Snakes on a Plane? It'd be really cool for the opponent to say he was sick and tired of your snakes.It'd presumably have to be Green/Black, but I don't know if there are enough snake creatures. Hope so, though.

That's all for today's mad ramblings. Hope they make someone chuckle.

~The Planeswalker

PS - check out my avatar and laugh


  1. Still have all my decks including all the cards I have from Alpha and Beta....

  2. You lucky, lucky SOB. Those things are near-priceless, for some...

  3. I haven't picked up my magic cards in years aha.

  4. Are there still regular playing groups of TMG?

  5. Ah, themed decks make me happy. I haven't played this game in 10 years.

  6. Yea, some of them are. All I know is when they did the redesign of the cards, I started getting out of it. I'm just not a fan of it.

  7. i still have my decks too, their old though lol
